Domain Name Register Canada

.CA Domain Names Available Image

.CA Domain Names are now available in our storefront so go ahead and Register your Domain Name Canada!

Nearly three-quarters of Canadians are active on the Internet! There’s never been a better time to buy .CA domain names and market to all these Canadian Internet users.

Who are .CA Domain Names for?

The .CA ccTLD is for individuals, businesses and groups located in Canada. It is also for anyone who meets Canadian Presence Requirements.

The .CA Domain Names are priced to sell, and is now available for both new domain name registration and domain name transfer.

See what is available right now!


.CA Eligibility List

Canadian citizens Permanent residents
Legal representatives Corporations
Trusts Partnerships
Associations Trade unions
Political parties Educational institutions
Libraries, archives, or museums Hospitals
Indian bands Aboriginal Peoples
Governments Trade-mark registered in Canada
Official marks  

Learn more about .CA Domain Names and Remember to Register your Domain Canada!