Domains at Retail has gone through our second significant upgrade of our web site providing a wider viewing area while maintaining a professional corporate image to help our customers find what they need.
The goal of the redesign was to take advantage of the wider screen resolutions our visitors are using based on our stats of our visitors. We maintain the friendly user experience, while providing all the necessary information to make informed decisions about the web site related products you will be purchasing. The new look reflects the professionalism and quality information we provide to our customers, and keeps up with the trends of the web design industry.
The look you are used to:
Look moving into 2009!
New Logo! New Wider Layout! New Fresh Look!
Highlights of the new Interface
- Standard Interface has been renamed to the “Information Interface“
- Direct Purchase Interface has been renamed to the “Shopping Cart Interface“
- Information Interface now displays the number of Items currently in your Shopping Cart
- Clearer seperation of Menu Structure for the 2 Interfaces:
Information Interface Menu:Shopping Cart Interface Menu:
- Addition of new Blocked Footer displaying Major Links of Interest
- Login has been placed on the top of the Shopping Cart Interface:
- New Domain and Help Center Search:
- Easy way to Join our Mailing List on the Information Interface:
Please leave any comments you have or feedback about the new look. We appreciate all feedback given.