Fax Thru Email
Fax Thru Email™ lets you send and receive faxes anywhere*, anytime, from any computer — all you need is an Internet connection and email. Say goodbye to the hassle and expense of a fax machine and discover a more affordable and flexible alternative.
Choose a toll-free plan (866, 800). Toll-free plans use minutes during send and receive.
Remember: Toll free plans are available for Fax Thru Email
Fax Via Email
Your Web-based manager lets you view and manage your Fax Thru Email history, including sent and received faxes, account information, help, and billing details. Plus, it's all done securely — your incoming, outgoing, and personal information remains completely confidential.
Receive faxes from anywhere in the world.
Send a fax through email anywhere in North America and Canada, up to 30MB in size, from any email program.
Create and customize your own cover sheet.
Fax files from your computer or your Online File Folder account.
Receive email confirmations so you know your fax went through.
View your Fax History to see a record of all incoming and outgoing faxes.
Fax to your hotel's fax on the road to print documents.
- Save money. There's no need to install or maintain a landline or fax machine – we give you your own, personal fax number.
- Save trees. Cut down on paper use and increase privacy – no paper copies left lying around for someone else to read.
- Two easy ways to fax. Fax from your email account – just put the receiver's fax number in the Subject line. You can also send your fax from FaxThruEmail.com.
- Add attachments with one click. Attach a file from your computer or your Online Storage account.
- No activation or per-fax fees. Choose your plan based on how many pages you think you'll need. Change it at any time.
- Want to increase your page limit? It's easy. Just buy additional Page Packs once you purchase a Fax Thru Email plan.